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Attack Description

The Attack: Malicious Actors create a fake version of your Website 

There are two common strategies malicious actors use for remote access scams.  

Example Scenarios: 

URL Hijacking: This can look like creating a link that is very similar to your support page link, and creating a page that looks identical to your page. For example, if your support page is, they could create a page called “” – taking advantage of anyone who may write it incorrectly in their browser. From there, the user would get to a page that looks like your page but isn’t.  

Malvertising - Malvertising is when a malicious actor impersonates a legitimate vendor and uses digital ads to get to the top of search results when someone is searching for that vendor. Clicking on these ads could download malware on their device, or it could redirect users to a malicious website, similar to URL hijacking.  

In either of these cases, if one were to visit a fake website and interact with it, they could end up downloading a virus or giving away personal information.